Friday, May 8, 2020

Twitter chats - a great way to expand your network -

Twitter chats - a great way to expand your network - If you have not been using Twitter to expand your networking community and broaden your network why not? Even if you did not already know that the word   “Twitter” is the fastest growing term to appear in job postings appearing in job boards (per, you should still be using Twitter because it is an amazing place to connect and learn and to grow the number of people who *know* you and are able and willing to help you (with your job hunt or your workout routine). Thanks to Christina Brown, I recently learned about a resource I had not used before the Twitter Chat Schedule.  Another resource to find chats is Tweetreports. A Twitter chat is a time when people who have similar interests hop on Twitter and tweet using a hashtag (a hashtag is a # along with a word or acronym) that helps everyone interested get in on the conversation. I have participated in #JobHuntChat (Monday nights at 10-11 pm eastern), which is a great opportunity to network and learn from career coaches, hiring managers, recruiters and other job seekers. Clearly, I follow the job searching community on Twitter pretty closely, which is how I knew about this chat. However, I would never have imagined that there was a chat about strength training (#sbgym) or pharmaceutical marketing and social media (#socpharm), a chat for foodies (#SOSfood) and one to discuss fashion and style (#styletalk). The list goes on and on. Of course, there are a lot of chats having to do with social media, and there are several other career oriented chats #internchat, for example The great thing about joining chats and communities pertaining to your hobbies and interests is that it gives you an opportunity to connect with other people about things that have nothing to do with jobs. Just as it is a good idea for job seekers to join a biking club if they enjoy biking, or an art class if artistically talented, Twitter provides an unprecedented way to reach out to new people and to extend your loose network people you would otherwise never meet. Dont be shy take a look at the schedule and find a fun chatYou will be surprised at how generous people are once you exchange a few tweets. The next-door neighbor of the person who may need to hire you may be on Twitter chatting right now! Havent gotten started on Twitter? Read this post that I wrote to encourage job seekers to dive into this amazing network. photo by joelaz

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