Monday, April 20, 2020

Resume Writing Jobs in Phil - Ways to Get Employed

Resume Writing Jobs in Phil - Ways to Get EmployedThe demand for the job of career development officer has been increasing throughout the years. The job has changed and is no longer confined to teaching and administrative duties. There are certain steps which you need to take in order to get employed as a career development officer.A must is that you must have a strong technical background in order to be hired for such a position. It is not all about writing a resume or it is about filling up the application forms online. A lot of people do not know that there are many other things which they need to do. The first step is to get yourself enrolled in a university which is relevant to your professional background.You must have academic achievements for which you have gotten a degree, any internship will do. But only if you have obtained a college diploma or an equivalent qualification you can expect a fair chance at getting hired. There are certain qualifications which are very helpful in getting a good paying job as a career development officer.You must also have a good working experience in the field of technical expertise. If you have got work experience in this field, then it would be very beneficial to you to apply for such a position. There are many companies that also conduct job hunting exercises.There are several types of skills that you need to acquire in order to be qualified as a career development officer. The most important of these is of course, being capable of developing a strong working relationship with a person who has served as a mentor. This would be very helpful for your career development as you are sure to develop stronger working relationships with your colleagues and clients.Writing a resume is just one aspect of your work in a career development office. There are some other responsibilities which you should consider. These include assisting a candidate to fill up the requirements, giving them the advice required and the opportunity to network with other candidates. These are skills which would certainly be useful for your future job search.It is important to look out for the services of a firm or a consultant who can help you in this area. These firms generally provide very useful services for the purposes of preparing a resume and also for the tasks related to career development. If you have got a good deal, you will surely get yourself hired and you will never have to go through the difficulties of finding a job in this line.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Career Mistake You Dont Realize Youre Making

The Career Mistake You Don’t Realize You're Making When you’ve got the floor in a meeting, do you notice people looking at the clock or their phones? When you’re chatting over the water cooler, do you find yourself chiming in before your colleagues finish their sentences? Do you typically go off on tangents when you tell a story? Do people nod blankly and say “uh huh” a lot when you’re speaking? Do you notice that people at work prefer to communicate with you via email? You may be an overtalker. Most people who talk too much don’t realize they do it, says Annie Stevens, managing partner for ClearRock, a leadership development and executive coaching firm. No matter whether it’s fueled by insecurity or overconfidence, however, this quality can be deadly to one’s careerâ€"especially these days. How Talking Too Much Can Hurt You With 67% of people working “a great deal more” than they did five years ago, according to a survey by staffing firm Manpower, workers literally have less patience for distractions. “No one has time to sit down for an hour to get an answer to a question,” says Stevens. Your peers and supervisors may start avoiding you if you are sucking up a lot of their time. Accurate, real-time salaries for thousands of careers. Additionally, if you can’t get to the point in a meeting, your boss may wonder about your ability to communicate with higher ups or clients. Prattling on in an interview could obscure the points that you’re trying to make, and hamper your chances at getting the job. Women seem to pay a bigger price for being loquacious. A Yale University study found that high-level women who talk more at work are perceived as less competent than men. According to lead researcher Victoria Brescoll, people tend to want to reward males who are garrulous by either by hiring them or giving them more responsibility, while females who talk a lot are seen as domineering and presumptuous. For any worker, though, the ability to share information clearly and succinctly is an asset, says Stevens. In a world where big ideas can be conveyed in under 140 characters, there’s less tolerance for a verbal opus. Stevens’s motto: “Be brief, be brilliant, be gone.” Keep from Being Seen as a Blabbermouth Become self aware. Watch for those red flags mentioned above. The surest sign of them that you’re talking too much is that you talk over someone who is speaking. “It can be a fatal error if it happens during a job interview, a career killer if done often with your boss, and will alienate co-workers if you’re repeatedly interrupting and hijacking the conversation,” said Stevens. Strive to pay attentionâ€"at least for a few daysâ€"to other people’s reactions when you’re talking. Do your colleagues, for example, join in the digression when you veer off topic? You’re probably in the clear. Pay attention to body language, too. You are likely losing your listener if he or she glances at a clock or a computer, stops making eye contact or is no longer taking notes. “Wrap up as soon as you can,” says Stevens. Have a script. There are times when you do need to talk about yourself. Develop and memorize a 90-second verbal response so you are prepared with a summary when interviewers or networking contacts say, “Tell me about yourself.” Similarly, if you’re giving a speech or presentation, outline a few key points before the meeting and stick to them. Watch for those cues noted above as signs you should get back on track. Details are important in storytelling, but make sure you’re pared down to the essentials. “The annoying companion of over-talking is over-telling, as in disclosing too many, too personal, irrelevant and or inappropriate details,” says Stevens. Practice active listening. Don’t just be lying in conversational wait for your turn to talk. Pay close attention to what is being discussed and ask relevant follow up questions. Showing your listening skills can be just as important as showing how much you can talk, says Stevens. “If the person you are speaking with believes that you’re interested in what they’re saying, he or she will think positively about you.” More from Simple Steps to Avoid Outliving Your Money in Retirement This Millennial Paid of $23,375 in Student Loans in Just 10 Months The Number of 401(k) Millionaires Has Doubled. Are You On Track to Be One?

Friday, April 10, 2020

5 Fundamentals that Contribute to Perseverance - Work It Daily

5 Fundamentals that Contribute to Perseverance - Work It Daily By CAREEREALISM-Approved Expert, Deborah Shane Are you training yourself and your business for the marathon or a sprint? One of the most important and compelling qualities we develop as business people is perseverance. The ability to endure, keep going, stick to our vision and trudge through the plan and the way it rolls out. In the world of marathon or long distance running, the most important part of the race the runner trains for is the last 13 miles or second half. They train for endurance, pace and to get through the mental and physical walls. Regardless of whether you are an entrepreneur, small business, manager or an independent rep for a company, endurance and perseverance are what will get you through and help you thrive in economic cycles like we are experiencing now. “When you get to the end of your rope, you tie a knot and hang on.” (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) When I think about the qualities people identify with me, perseverance, is one at the top of what they say are my “best qualities” list! I have instinctively known in life when you want something you have to work AT it and FOR it. Even as a young person, I set my sites and target to what I thought was the bulls-eye and kept shooting at it! Over time I have learned many lessons about how to stick to things, stay with things and what I need to do to set myself up for what I like to call the “long race.” In life and business, we need to train as “long distance runners” not “sprinters.” Our lives play out much better when we prepare more for a marathon, that prepares us for handling different cycles, ups and downs and the unexpected. I like the metaphor of perseverance being a strengthening of one’s abilities to be able to finish the race, by developing a pace driven process. Peak performance is like running a marathon. The training plan of all long distance runners includes coaching, technique, practice, endurance. Here are 5 fundamentals I believe contribute to perseverance. The ability and skill of being able to stick to, get through and continue through those cycles, parts and paths that make up our journey. 1. Passion When you truly love what you do and have a sincere desire to serve, that is the most powerful “sales” tool you can have. Passion is contagious and infectious. Be authentic and don’t force your brand, serve it. Someone asked me a question I thought was compelling. Have I always been in my passion? For me it is a yes! I have taken jobs and worked to pay my bills, but ultimately I have dedicated working because I care about what I am doing for myself and others. 2. Perspective Keep things in perspective for you. Stay focused on your goals and your initiatives and seek out alternative sources for news and information. There are so many sources for “the solution” and examples of people and businesses finding positive opportunities in challenging times. With way too many news sources, trying to fill up way too much time with not only the news story, but milking the story behind the story behind the story, the negative messages are over exposed. Surround yourself with positive, proactive, encouraging people and activities. Prune and shed anything and anyone that does not contribute to your growth. 3. Pertinence Nothing is more important than relevance. Know the trends in your industry as they relate to business, consumer behavior and marketing. These days “TRENDS DRIVE EVERYTHING.” Keeping up with the rapidly changing business landscape, technologies and how your customers are changing can mean the difference between extinction and rebirth. Invest in conferences, training, purposeful networking, professional affiliations and some business and life coaching. Now more than ever it is important to have a support system that can help you NOT go it alone. Keep yourself on top of your personal growth, your industry and the market/s you live and work in. Enjoying this article? You could get the best career advice daily by subscribing to us via e-mail! Enter your email address: | 4. Perseverance When you lead with passion, incorporate good fundamentals, consistently provide an excellent product or service and evaluate how you operate and serve your publics, you set yourself up for the long haul and the ability to endure and be resilient. Regularly conduct surveys and focus groups to monitor what your employees and your customers want and need, and what is most important to them now. The shift from company and product centric to relationships and serve centric is a huge paradigm change that is only going to continue. 5. Prediction Do you have a vision for where you are heading? What is the road map for your success? Do you have a blueprint? Many of us at the moment are navigating uncharted waters. I do know having both a short term and long term vision for navigating these conditions includes all of the fundamentals mentioned above. Being able to see your BIG picture is so important. The BIG picture is made up of many parts that have to fit right for you and be working together to get the results you must have. Business success and endurance, like finishing a 26 mile marathon takes physical and mental perseverance. How you train will make ALL the difference in crossing the finish line or not. Define your vision, create the plan and what you need to be doing, practice flawless execution and consistently monitoring the results. How do you train for the long race in business? Did you enjoy this article? You can read more articles by this expert here. Also, check out all of our free webinars! CAREEREALISM Expert, Deborah Shane delivers business education and professional skill development specializing in women in business, those in career transition, sales and personal and social brand strategy and integration. Follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn. The photo for this article is provided by Shutterstock. Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!